How To Avoid CCTV Camera Hacking And Preserve Security?

High-quality security is very effective at preventing criminal activity in both commercial and residential properties when combined with ongoing vigilance. The most affordable way to ensure constant monitoring of your business location may be to instal a CCTV surveillance and monitoring system, but it must be protected from hacking.

Despite recent major advancements, attacks on CCTV surveillance systems are still possible. Along with the developments, malevolent hackers are also creating methods for getting around security measures to gain unauthorised access to the installed video surveillance systems.

The major goal of having CCTV systems installed by experts from a reputable business in Perth is to increase security if the system has been penetrated and the original intent behind purchasing an advanced surveillance system has been defeated.

Although the majority of security systems are woefully susceptible to hacking, you may make better preparations for these occurrences by being aware of how hackers typically approach CCTV surveillance systems.

By carefully following these recommendations, you can stop hackers from accessing your home security network or commercial surveillance system.

Customize the Password Instead of the Default.

Potential hackers can easily access your CCTV security camera by just looking at your IP address and using search engines like and to find precise signature information. They will use this to keep attempting passwords until they have accessed your entire security system.

To stop hackers from readily accessing your security network, you must update the factory default password.

Protect Your User ID.

The hackers will then search for the User ID. Resetting the account will give full access to the wireless system as a whole, the security devices’ hard drives, and both. They require the username, email address, and phone number used to register the account. As they enter, they will be monitoring the live feed from the digital video recorder, controlling the DVR, and altering personal user data, thus shutting out the user.

Secure The Command Lines.

Hackers can take advantage of the system’s backdoor command line, which gives them admin-level access. Contract with manufacturers, who are serious about the security of their cameras and regularly offer firmware upgrades to address software faults and patch security flaws. While some cameras will download and instal these upgrades, others need to be checked. It can be simplified using the Update button found in the Settings menu of your camera’s app.

If Your Camera Has Two-Factor Authentication, Set It Up.

Follow the expert instructions when they provide you with a one-time passcode through text message, email, authentication app, or phone call along with your username and password when signing in to your account. This will add an extra layer of security. Similarly, even if the hackers figure out your password, they won’t be able to access your camera unless they know your passcode.

What Must You Do If You Think Your Account Has Been Hacked?

First, unplug the camera’s power cord from the outlet. Using the app and your router, modify the password for your camera account. Contact local legal enforcement and the device’s maker at the end.

You must reinforce your security system with security intelligence components along with ongoing surveillance to preserve your privacy and safety. Even if you choose to instal indoor and outdoor CCTV cameras legally, you must engage professionals.