Difference Between Bees & Wasps And How To Deal With Both

bee control

There are many people who wrongfully assume that pest control pros do not have the expertise to deal with airborne creatures. Contrary to that, however, the best pest extermination services can tackle all kinds of pest invasion. They not only eliminate the crawlers but also deal with airborne pests like bees and wasps. Since they critters cannot just be carried away physically, it is important to remove their entire hive or home. Now, this can be a real tough task for you, but is easily performed by a reputed commercial pest control service in Melbourne. Before you call the pest service, you must have a fair knowledge on what airborne insect you are dealing with.

Bees and wasps are related to ants. They belong to Hymenoptera species. Although they are different from each other, both love to be in social groups like most ants. Bees and wasps are difficult to identify and that is one more reason why you must hire a pest control company. Bees are stinging insects and some people are very allergic to the venom of their sting. Allergic individuals face serious threat from the venom, because it can sometimes be life threatening even from a single bee sting. While the honey bees are probably the most dangerous, their carpenter or bumble peers are not so threatening. It is nearly impossible for an untrained person to remove a hive of bees. Pest control companies have trained personnel who can remove a hive from an office apartment, building complex or even a garden.

Wasps are also capable of stinging. And though some species of wasps cannot harm people, they definitely serve as a disturbing element. Wasps are divided into large groups. Among them, the yellow-jackets are meat eaters and hornets like to feed on pollen. They will attack only if they feel that their nest is in danger. That is why it is suggested to leave them alone and hand over the elimination task to the professionals who are trained in the sector.

How do they work?

In most situations, a bee removal team removes the hive with the help of advanced methods that are non-hazardous and odourless. You need not require to vacate your house during or post treatment. You just need to stay away from the treatment area till the bees have been completely removed.

This shows how a pest controlling service protects you and why they must be called after an infestation.


Are Bees Swarming Around Your House?


Spring season in Australia is usually the ideal time for bees to come out from their hives and swarm around human dwellings. These swarms can be of serious concern for homeowners with small kids and pets. Therefore, it is important to take precautions for staying safe and preventing mishaps:

  • When you encounter bees swarming around your property, bring inside pets and children if they are playing in the garden or backyard. Remain indoors for at least half an hour or more if needed. See if the swarm has clustered on some object or a bush. Most of the bees would cease flying when the group has clustered. You can then carry on with your outdoor activities safely.
  • Stay away from the swarm until it leaves or you find some way to get rid of it.
    In case the bees have settled somewhere on the ground, make sure you wear proper footwear to protect your feet from stings.
  • Never ever try to pelt stones at, smoke or hose the swarm because it might make them aggressive and they would sting you in order to defend themselves.
    Under no circumstances should you make attempts to eliminate a swarm or colony of bees all by yourself. Attack from an entire colony can be really dangerous, and might even send you to the hospital.

If a swarm of bees settles at a certain place on your property, the most prudent thing you can do is have them removed with the help of professionals. There are plenty of reputed firms that provide bee pest control in Melbourne. Get in touch with any one of them as soon as possible. Do not allow the colony time to establish a hive on your property and proliferate. In case they become successful in doing so, it can get very difficult as well as expensive to remove them. Besides that, they may even become aggressive because of adverse weather conditions and paucity of pollen & nectar. Then they will start stinging even if no disturbance is caused to them.

Swarming bees are not a threat to human beings unless provoked or disturbed. They are beneficial for the environment in a number of ways. Therefore, do not ever try to kill them, except when they become very dangerous for you and your family. Your first resort should always be seeking assistance from professionals.