How to Flea-Free Groom Your Pet

If you have a pet with a thick coat, you know how difficult it can be to keep the coat’s beauty. Fleas are unquestionably one of the most difficult obstacles to retaining your pet’s luxurious coat. The small parasite that takes refuge in your pet’s coat can not only irritate them but also harm their health. This is because some parasites carry diseases such as tapeworms, canine heartworms, and many others. As a result, fleas on your pet can make them sick. This is why you should take the time to groom your pet. To groom your pet perfectly, you can get the help of pet grooming professionals in Cork. Let’s see how you can use grooming as a tool to keep your pet flea free.

Check For Fleas On Your Pets:

Cat fleas can infest both felines and canines, particularly those who are allowed to roam freely outside. Excessive scratching, small black flecks on your pet’s coat, and small red areas where bites have occurred are all symptoms. Checking your animal’s underbelly – where the fur is thinner – for live fleas is a quick way to see if you have a problem. If there is a sign of fleas you should immediately consult a pet expert in Cork for a grooming routine to get rid of the fleas. 

Keep Your House And Garden Flea Free:

While this may not fall under the pet groom routine, it is quite important to keep your garden flea free. Fleas can easily hide behind the tall blades of the grass. Thus, when your pet roams freely in the garden, these fleas can latch onto your pet’s coat. Thus, you should keep the garden clean and free of fleas.

Use the Correct Products:

If you have both cats and dogs, it may be tempting to use the same product on all of them. Do not do this unless the product label specifies that it is safe for both cats and dogs. If you’re unsure, it’s best to consult a professional veterinarian or a pet groom expert in Cork about which products to use.

Using Professional Treatment To Get Rid Of The Fleas:

When you have successfully identified that your pet is infested with fleas, the treatment to combat fleas should start immediately. One of the key things that you must do is use the right anti-flea shampoo and anti-flea spray or powder to fight the fleas. These products are easily available in any pet grooming store in Cork. 

These are some of the methods for dealing with fleas on your pets. If you find it difficult to do it yourself, you can consult an expert to learn how to effectively combat fleas.