Things To Consider As A Realtor When Hiring Drone Photographer

Drones are the new and big thing in photography and videography. The small and remote device can easily reach hard-to-access regions. Thus, drone photography offers a fresh perspective of the focus area. Drones are not just used for landscape photography and cinematography. It is also used in various other industries for logistical support. Along with that drones can be used for marketing purposes as well. When it comes to real estate, drone photography can offer more aesthetic shots of the property. But as a realtor before you hire real estate photographers for the job, here’s what you need to consider:


Many businesses may supply drone videos and photography. However, not everyone has prior expertise in real estate drone marketing. A company that understands the benefits of using drones in real estate will be a lot simpler to deal with and will be more likely to achieve the results you need. They will have the proper tools for the task and will understand how to get the greatest view. They could even have some real estate drone advice to share with you.

Ground Rules For Drone Photography:

It is important to check whether the property complies with the drone flying rules. The real estate photographer you hire for the job should be thorough with the legislation regarding drone flying rules to save you from any vicarious liability. Thus, as a realtor, you should question the real estate drone photographer regarding their knowledge of drone flying rules. 

Drone Videos:

While drone-captured photos are a huge hit in the marketing of real estate property, if you want to go a step beyond then video shot by drones can make the advert for your real estate stand out. But not all drone photographers can capture vivid video and then edit it as per the requirement. Thus, before you hire a real estate drone photographer, it is important to know what you exactly want from them and how you want to portray the real estate property.

Previous Records:

Before you hire a drone photographer for the task to capture your real estate property, it is wise to go through their previous work. This will allow you to gauge an understanding of their previous work, their style of capturing real estate and is it how you want to showcase your property. All these questions can easily be answered by going through their portfolios. 

These are some of the many considerations that as a realtor you should think about when hiring a drone photographer to capture a real estate property. It will allow you to make a more informed decision that you will not regret later on.

Things To Do To Save Your Screen Printing From Cracking

We all at least have our t-shirt that has a graphic screen printed on it. Screen printing is one of the most obvious ways of adding some glam to t-shirts. Various companies and brands also use screen-printed t-shirts as an alternative to uniforms. But as employees wear uniforms daily, the t-shirt has to be washed and maintained too. This daily usage can cause the screen printing to fade away or crack. To stop this from happening, we have some tips from screen printing experts in Texas. Let’s see, how you can prevent screen printing from cracking or fading –

Turn Inside Out:

When you are washing a t-shirt that has screen printing on it, it is important to wash it with care. This is why, screen printing experts in Texas suggest when washing the t-shirt in the washing machine, turn the t-shirt inside out. As the t-shirt within the washing machine tumbles and washes, it can cause the screen printing to crack. This is why it is important to turn the t-shirt inside out to protect the print on the t-shirt.

Cold Water Wash:

One of the most common mistakes people make when washing t-shirts is washing them in warm water. A 15-minute soak in hot water can remove natural oils from your t-fibers and shirt, causing additional wrinkling and deterioration of the graphics. To keep your t-shirts in good condition, wash them in cold water if they are only lightly soiled.

Detergent’s Amount:

When choosing a detergent to wash t-shirts with a graphic t-shirt, it is important to keep the quality of the detergent in check. If you end up using a harsh detergent, it can strip only the fabric but also the screen print’s sheen from the t-shirt. This is why screen printing experts in Texas stress using a mild detergent that is easy on the graphic printed on the t-shirt.

Dry Tees Away from Sunlight:

When you are drying a darker-coloured t-shirt, it is suggested to dry it in a cool place away from the sunlight. It prevents the vibrant color from fading. The same applies to screen-printed t-shirts too. When you are drying screen-printed t-shirts, it is important to dry them away from sunlight to prevent cracking and fading.

These are some of the tips that we have compiled from the best screen printing expert in Texas. By following these tips, you can save the screen prints from cracking and fading away.