Why Do Australian Brand Owners Customize Bean Bags For Advertising?

One of your most thrilling experiences comes to mind. Your purchase of a bean bag chair for your room is likely when it happened. You spent all of your time sitting in it, reading, doing your homework, and playing on your handheld game console. It appears to be a long-gone memory. When you give it some thought, it seems like yesterday.

You must be able to appeal to people’s emotions when promoting. Can you conceive of a more effective method to advertise than with personalised bean bags?

Find out why employing Australian-made bean bags in your marketing strategy is a good idea by reading on.

Rewards & Prizes

Are you considering holding an auction or raffle at your upcoming marketing event?

If so, why limit yourself to bland gift baskets filled with dependable prizes? Although sweets and popcorn are both delicious, what’s even better?

Provide seating for your visitors’ next family movie night. Everyone will bet on a bean bag chair, especially if you have any family members among your guests.

Business Cards Are Printed On Custom Bean Bags

You might be tempted to hand out business cards to attendees at a get-together or promotional event. These disappear into the sands of time very rapidly. When you need one, how often can you find one? Consider custom bean bags for your more esteemed clients and visitors. Print the name of your business and contact details on the bean bag chair. There won’t be a bean bag chair lost by your client. That much is true.

They won’t have to hurriedly dig through their wallets and folders for your card because they will always have quick and easy access to it when they need it. If they have kids, they won’t be able to throw those bean bag chairs out.

Encourage Employee Satisfaction

Did we mention that compared to traditional seating, bean bag chairs can be quite comfortable? Prolonged sitting is one of the main downsides of an office job. This leads to a variety of back issues and discomfort over time. In particular, among young people, bean bag chairs are reviving. If your business is housed in an office, you might want to instal a bean bag area for employees. Your staff members will have a cosy spot to rest. If you’re feeling particularly daring, think about providing customised bean bags as an additional seating option for your staff. They’ll experience greater value and specialness. This action toward showing your staff members some enjoyable appreciation could give your business the productivity boost it needs.

The bean bag chairs can be given out as prizes for contests or project milestones. Give your staff a reason to put in the extra effort. These items need not always be materialistic. Sometimes, having a comfy seat at work is important.

Promoting with Amusing Furniture

You could find it difficult to come up with ideas for advertising. How can you stay on top of some of the fantastic presents that businesses give to their customers and visitors? Use personalised bean bags to leave a lasting impact. Everybody adores a bean bag chair. When we were kids, we all want one. You might still do. Give your customers, clients, and visitors a cosy spot to sit. They’ll recall this unusual decision. Add a company logo and contact details to your bean bag chairs and outdoor lounge cushions so that customers can use them in the future.

Bean bags have a character of their own and this is the quality the Australians take advantage of. These are ideal for giving the campaigns the life it deserves to be fruitful. We have pointed out all the advantages the bean bags render. Are you going to hold a business campaign soon? You know why should you use the bean bags.

What Makes Timber-Looking Tiles So Alluring?

Wooden flooring is one of the most traditional ways to decorate your floor. Wood has been used to decorate homes from the western to the eastern ends of the globe. This is due to the fact that wood provides both aesthetics and insulation. Houses with wooden floors in areas with predominantly colder climates can keep their homes warm. However, in today’s world, where you can use a heater and other electric insulators to warm your home, flooring provides only a fraction of the insulation. As a result, people are less likely to install real floor tiles, which require a lot of upkeep and are expensive. People often choose cheaper but aesthetically similar timber-look tiles to maintain the same aesthetic. This is due to various aspects. As an example,

Unbeatable Price:

When you choose a timber-looking tile, you will notice that the price of real wooden tiles is much higher when you compare the two. The price quotient is very important when choosing a flooring option. Not everyone can afford to buy real wooden tiles.

Less Effort On Maintenance:

Along with money, another huge factor that will sway people towards timber-look tiles is maintenance. While real wooden tiles look good, they require a lot of your time to maintain the tile. Not everyone can spend that much energy behind wooden tiles. This is why people go for wooden look tiles over the real deal.

Variety of Shades:

The timber-look tiles are available in varied shades. While it may be difficult to find the rich mahogany shade of real wooden tile, you can find the same shade of timber-look tile in abundance. With timber-look tiles, you can get any shade of wood; from the lightest shade of wooden hues to rich and luxurious wooden colours.


While sometimes it may be difficult to find real wooden tiles as they are quite elusive to get by. The timber-looking is fairly easier to come across. Almost all tile store carries timber-looking tiles with them. And they have a diverse collection of them for you to choose from.

Sustainable Compare To Real Tiles:

While man-made things seem less friendly to the environment than things directly procured from nature. But when it comes to tiles, it is the opposite. To procure real wooden tiles, trees are chopped off in large numbers. In comparison, ceramic or porcelain tiles are made up of clay-like material. Thus, with timber look tile, you can get the benefit of wooden tile without cutting any tree. 

These are some of the perks that you can get from timber-look tiles. These perks give an edge to timber-look tiles over real timber tiles. This is why people are charmed by these tiles over the real deal. 

Why Is The Push-Button Door Lock Broken?

Is your push-button door lock not working and you’re wondering what’s causing it? You’ve arrived at the right place. Locksmith experts in Dublin have underlined a list of possible causes for your push button door lock has stopped working.

Lock Impairment:

Damaged wiring, a misaligned lock mechanism, mechanical failure, or a broken or rusted component can all cause a push-button door lock to malfunction. Fortunately, this is a simple problem to resolve. The lock can be disassembled and inspected for faulty components that may be causing it to malfunction. If a component is faulty, a locksmith in Dublin can repair, replace, or clean it as needed. If the lock is beyond repair, the locksmith will replace it completely. Remember that diagnosing a faulty push button door lock is best left to an experienced locksmith who knows what they’re doing. 

Door Misalignment:

A misaligned door can sometimes be the cause of a push button door lock not working. Normal wear and tear, loose screws, a misaligned strike plate and latch, or broken hinges can all cause a misaligned door. Calling a door contractor to inspect the door and determine the best course of action is the simplest solution for a misaligned door that is causing lock problems. A misaligned door can cause not only door lock problems, but also a safety hazard. Make sure the problem is addressed as soon as possible for your own and your family’s safety.

Interruption of Power:

In case, you have an electronic push button door lock, it may stop working if there is a power outage. The wiring may become damaged, an electrical component within the lock may fail, or the batteries may die. If your electronic push button door lock is powered by batteries, try replacing them to see if the lock works. Otherwise, you can always call a locksmith in Dublin to inspect and repair locks that are hard-wired into an electrical system.

These are some of the scenarios that most can cause your power button to be dysfunctional. Hiring a locksmith in Dublin can be your best option to figure out what’s wrong with your lock. It may be something that we have stated or something entirely different. Thus, it is best to get the help of a locksmith in your neighbourhood in Dublin.