Autofile – Document recognition and filing system for your multifunctional printer

At Well Connected, we know how important a printer is, and the essential role print quality plays in portraying your business standards. The ideal model that works for you in this way and fits within your budget.

Likewise, having worked with businesses for so many years and understanding the printer’s role in your office, we have realised the additional benefits to be gained by incorporating automated functionality that assists your administration and improves business workflows. 


Workflows change for every business; we all have processes that work for us based on the type of business and how we collect and collate data. With this in mind, we understand that one-size-fits-all is not the ideal solution and therefore specialise in customising your desired workflow to meet your individual needs. 

Our expert team has an outstanding track record in assisting companies in streamlining their processes and increasing productivity, with customer reviews reinforcing their satisfaction with the outcomes.

Our document recognition software files your documents automatically, hands-free from your printer.

Did you know that we can automatically set your printer up to recognise a document? Scan it, and file it into your folder system, Sharepoint, Dropbox, or the like. Turn your multifunctional printer into an automated filing system, and increase both your efficiency and profit margins.

At the Printer

– Scan your documents – double-sided – eliminating all blank pages

– Select Automatic document filing – Choose the file or name it – Scan – Upload to proceed

At your PC

– The system has created a folder for your documents

– It’s named based on the number for each file – placing them as a searchable pdf

– Speed up document retrieval, with information stored in line with practice needs

– Store client and non-client documents in a way that reflects the division of operations in your practice

– Configurable to suit your unique requirements

Accounts Payable Solution

Are your staff manually entering data from the invoices and remittances? 

Our document recognition software will automate the Accounts Payable process with designated separate steps for verification and authorisation for different parties to ensure safety. 

Once authorised, all data is uploaded to your accounting system, whether Xero, MYOB, or similar. 

How much time would this save, and what else could your staff be doing that’s more beneficial for your business.

Well Connected Business Systems are prepared to guide you with innovative business solutions that increase productivity and reduce printing costs. We encourage you to call us on 9472 3722 and discuss with Chris or one of our experienced sales team.