Festivals and Events Held in Port Fairy In February and March

Festivals and events inspire and interest everyone, and being a committed devotee of entertainment, you will always want to be among the participants of the events and festivals in Port Fairy to be organized in February and March. So, plan up your frequent stay at the budget accommodation in Port Fairy, and start creating memories with toe-tapping and thigh-slapping celebrating with art, food, environment and community.

1. Commonwealth Sheepdog Trials

  • Time – February
  • Location – Port Fairy Gardens Oval
  • Improver, open and novice trials are going to be held over one week period. It even includes the Australian Dog of the Year and the Trans–Tasman trial.

2. Port Fairy Jazz Festival

  • Time – February
  • Location – Port Fairy
  • Each February, Jazz goes live in Port Fairy’s most liveable community. The volunteers run the Port Fairy Jazz Festival to promote all jazz music genres in Port Fairy’s picturesque surroundings. This festival is not a profit festival.
  • On this three–day festival, every heart starts beating, while attending the workshops, jam sessions with music from more than 120 bands, dancing and open mics.

3. Port Fairy Folk Festival

  • Time – March
  • Location – Port Fairy
  • On each Labour Day long weekend in March, Port Fairy experiences heavy tourism pressure for experiencing the toe-tapping, thigh-slapping at the C. This is the famous independent music festival of the world featuring blues, jazz, country, acoustic, bluegrass and rock music.
  • Together with the International artists, the local performers showcase their talents at the four-day event. Starting with formal main stage performances, and extending to informal street busking, every attendee will have gala time for enjoyment. There is a mix of ticketed and free events at this festival featuring all the musical events.

4. Music in the Vines

  • Time – March
  • Location – Macarthur
  • The Music run by Macarthurs is the one–day event where a great line–up of local foods, regional artists, and wines from the Henty Wine Region line up. Henty Wine Region is situated at the Suffoir Winery & Brewery that is 2 kilometres West of Macarthur. Even, the festival hosts an emerging talent competition where the young and budding acts and bands are invited to enter, show their performance at the festival, and move ahead to run for prizes. 
  • Buses from Hamilton, Warrnambool, Port Fairy, Portland, Hawkesdale and Heywood are available to this family-friendly festival.

Events, festivals, fun and entertainment are part of life, and when you love to be a part of such events, then by no means should you miss the opportunities Port Fairy brings up. Stopping by to stay is not a problem, since you shall get family-friendly accommodation at wallet-friendly rate at Port Fairy.